Cultivating a movement of healthy churches that multiplies next generation leaders, plants new churches, and catalyzes Jesus movements in the Muslim world.
At Grace, the origin story of each church is organic, indigenous, and profoundly marked by the Holy Spirit. We empower local leaders to reach their local communities, while also sharing essential convictions, community, and cause. We refuse to sacrifice relationship for reach, and we’ve surrendered aspirations of the “mega-church” so that we can multiply. Until now, we know of few who have tried to cut this path between local church autonomy and interdependence, but we aim to try, because our families need Family and the work of Jesus is always flesh-and-blood real.

Who We Are
We are an ever growing family of churches with common vision, values and convictions. We empower local leaders to reach their local communities to teach people about Jesus and to grow, develop and raise up more leaders to continue the legacy of discipleship, church planting and catalyzing movements for Jesus in the Muslim world.

Join the Movement
We don’t believe that the best is behind us, because we know that those who came before us have laid the foundation to grow and flourish. Our desire is to plant more churches and partner with existing churches across the nation and globally. If you’re curious about what it’s like to be a part of our family, check out more below.

Raising up next generation leaders, planting churches and catalyzing Jesus movements in the Muslim world requires all kinds of people. Your financial support greatly impacts our vision and mission. We can’t do this alone. Will you consider giving today?

God’s people gathered around God’s Word, lead by God’s Spirit.